Drilled or built in overflow?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 22, 2012
For some reason, I can't stand the look of a built in overflow in the corner of a tank. I would like to hear people's pros and cons of just getting a tank drilled on the back a few inches down from the top...
No unsightly black overflow box
Doesnt decrease overall tank volume
More swimming space for fish

Cons-(hold on tight)
Involves weakening rear glass
Will be prone to leaking around bulkhead
Pesky salt creep from leak
Possibility of cracking glass if bulkhead is bumped
Requires exterior plumbing out back of tank
Forget sitting tank flush against wall

There i think i got them all lol

••edit•• if you are gonna do anything, drill the bottom pane and run black tubes up the corners... Itll have the same effect as overflow boxes but without the sore sight
huma-huma said:
No unsightly black overflow box
Doesnt decrease overall tank volume
More swimming space for fish

Cons-(hold on tight)
Involves weakening rear glass
Will be prone to leaking around bulkhead
Pesky salt creep from leak
Possibility of cracking glass if bulkhead is bumped
Requires exterior plumbing out back of tank
Forget sitting tank flush against wall

There i think i got them all lol

••edit•• if you are gonna do anything, drill the bottom pane and run black tubes up the corners... Itll have the same effect as overflow boxes but without the sore sight

Thank you! I'm going with a reef ready Deep Blue 75 gallon with built in overflow. I'll deal with the black box...
It is for the best. I wish my tanks were drilled. Relying on a pump rather than gravity is just making things more complicated than needed. That aqualifter getting clogged is the bane of my existence.
Sniperhank said:
It is for the best. I wish my tanks were drilled. Relying on a pump rather than gravity is just making things more complicated than needed. That aqualifter getting clogged is the bane of my existence.

+1 on aqualifter
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