Dumb question about cleaning animals and filtration

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 15, 2005
I hear a lot if you have a small tank don't get a common pleco they will out grow the tank. If you can't get a pleco, what would be the best cleaning fish or animal (ie snail, shrimp, etc..) to clean the tank? I am looking to start a 20 gallon tank and need to know these kinds of things before I start.

I have heard that ghost shrimp are good cleaners. Is this true?

BTW this is the best site lots of knowledge and especially experience here. Love the site.

Just realized i could tag another question on to this any ideas about what type of filter to get? I am looking at the peguin bio-wheel filter 170 for a 20 gal any other ideas or experiences. I would love the feed back.
I love my ghost shrimp, they do a great job cleaning and are fun to watch. I just found that they got eaten once in a while depending on what you kept them with.

I also found ottos to be pretty good cleaners and of course, snails.

I'm not a big fan of the alage eaters (not sure which one I had since it was years ago) since when they get bigger they will sometimes eat your fish. Maybe someone else can point out which ones do that.

I agree, AA is an awesome site!

Good luck with your tank!
I haven't had any algae issues with my tank really, maybe just some tiny spots on the glass that I use my magnet scrubber on when I do my vacuuming. Other than that the algae is well in check.
Cool thank you what type of filter are you using? and what are your experiences if any with the peguin filters?
Oh, I forgot to mention cory cats. I had a couple in with my puffers to clean up after them since they are such messy eaters.
Ghost shrimp are fun to watch. Like smidget said, sometimes they could get eaten by a fish.

Otocinclus catfish ("otos") are good cleaners. They like to be in groups. A group of 5 or 6 should do nicely in your tank. What else is in there? Have you started the tank yet? It sounds like you're doing your research first -- congrats! :D

When I had ghost shrimp, they cleaned the bottom of the tank for uneaten food, but they didn't appear to eat algae off the sides of the tank. Amano shrimp (similar in appearance to ghost shrimp, but a little more expensive) are reported to eat hair algae. Be sure not to get a prawn -- they look similar to ghost shrimp but have claws and will hurt your fish if they can catch them.

Some plecos stay small enough for a 20 gallon tank, like a bristlenose pleco or a pitbull pleco. I've never had a bristlenose, so I'm not sure how they do on algae, but the pitbull pleco did a fine job on both the bottom of the tank and the sides.

For a filter, I've always liked the Eclipse filters. HOB filters are the favorite of a lot of people too. AquaClear is a good HOB filter. With a HOB filter, you have more options over the media that you place in it. The Eclipse filter comes with a pre-assembled cartridge, and for the size you need for a 20 gallon tank, you can't really put different media in it. Some of the bigger Emporer models have media baskets, but I don't think the Penguin models do. I have used an Eclipse filter in my 5 gallon tank and liked it. Maybe I would use an Eclipse for a 10 gallon tank too, but for a 20 gallon tank, IMO, I would use the HOB type.

Edit: Here's a link to the Bio-Wheel filters: http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=12320&N=2004+22769

The bigger Penguins have media baskets, but they are for a 50-75 gallon tank. The Penguin that would fit a 20 gallon tank doesn't have a media basket. Click on "More Information" in the link to see a chart on what model to use in your tank.
Thank you for your response. To answer your questions:

Nothing is in there yet... I don't even have the tank yet. Acually i am looking for suggestions for a good active tank. I thought i wanted a tank of a pair of Kribs but i think 20 gal is to small for them to procreate. What are your thoughts on this matter?

So you think AquaClear is the way to go with the filters? What is general rule of thumb for GPH on the filters?

Also what do you mean by media as you can see this is not the first time i have had a tank but it has been a while and when i did own one i did not take care of it daddy did it for me. Thank you for your reply hope to hear from you soon.
Mananhammer- you can get a pleco if you want, just not a common pleco. Clown, rubberlip, and some bristlenose will stay small enough to live in a 20 gallon. I know there are others but I can't think of any right now. You can check out profiles at www.planetcatfish.com to find what you like and how big it will grow. www.liveaquaria.com also has profiles, and if you find something you really love you can order it. :D Just remember that any clean up crew you buy will produce plenty of waste of its own, so you will still have to keep up on your water changes.

The Penguin 170 would be good for your tank. If you want the Biowheel, go for it. If you want a filter that is more customizable, and one that you don't have to buy cartridges for, I would go with the Aquaclear 50 (aka Aquaclear 200, they changed all the names :roll: ). What I mean is, the Aquaclear has a sponge block that you can just rinse in tankwater and use over and over, unlike the cartridges. Either of these filters would work great, they each have their advantages so it is really a matter of preference (I use both brands as well as Emperors on my tanks and I like them all). I would not recommend the Whisper filters, I haven't heard very good things about them.
I'd like to clear something up, as I see two things being confused as one-in-the-same here.

Cleaning the tank, and cleaning off algae are technically two different things. A lot of people are under the assumption that any bottom feeding, scavenger type fish will remove fish waste. Wrong. No fish removes fish waste. Water changes with a gravel vac remove solid fish waste that doesn't break down. Scavengers eat algae, plant debris and leftover food.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.
Thank you for clearing that up for me Malkore i kinda figured that but was not to sure. Thank you for your response serverum mama it was very helpful.

Again what is ment by media? Media for the filters.
A lot of people are under the assumption that any bottom feeding, scavenger type fish will remove fish waste. Wrong. No fish removes fish waste. Water changes with a gravel vac remove solid fish waste that doesn't break down. Scavengers eat algae, plant debris and leftover food.

I was not at all working on that assumption. I guess I didn't explain myself in my post. By clean up crew I meant a scavenger as you have described, and noted that regular water changes would still be necessary.
Media is what you put in your filter basket. There are a bunch of different choices such as charcoal, ones that remove phosphates, ones that provide an area for the benficial bacteria (bio-max rings) etc.

As severum mama said, the aqua clears have a reuseable sponge block. In my aqua clear mini I have the sponge block and a bag of charcoal
you have a wide variety of fish you can have for your 20 gallon, the filters mentioned already are perfect, an "oto" is great with algae and possibly a corydoras which come in a whole bunch of colors and types just make sure to check on their max size because it ranges from different types, just make sure to keep a good cleaning schedule for your tank....20% water change every week or two for the first few months then once your aquarium has cycled you'll be a pro at it....GOOD LUCK! :D
Thank you again all for you help i appreciate it keep posting if people know of some other fish i could put in there.
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