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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 1, 2011
Dallas, Texas
I saw some driftwood for sale at petco. It was out of the water. Would I still have to bake it/boil it?
I would just for extra precaution but thats just me. But do soak it to get rid of tannins unless you're okay with some tinted water.
Depends on the wood, sometimes a few days and sometimes multiple weeks. Just depends, however if you put it in the aquarium it won't do any harm to the fish just make the water look brown. You could get rid of this with a carbon filter thing (don't know it's name just have heard this information and am passing it along)
You would have to change the water every day or two and then when you change it one day it doesn't have any/very little brown color!
Yes indeed! Hopes this helps and post plenty of pictures when everything is set up;)
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