Effective algae eaters for 50 gallon tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 5, 2014
Antwerp, Belgium
When i hear of algae, pleco :fish2: comes into my mind but after reading much on plecos, i learned that they grow very big, i even confirmed that doubt by seeing a very huge pleco today in a pet store about the length of my foot! :blink: I will like to have a long term effective algae eater like the plecos but those that will be suitable for my tank size in a long run. Also the specie should be easily available at pet stores.
Otos are good, but they are hard to get onto prepared foods. Nerite snails are good and don't breed in fw. Flying foxes are the best though IME.

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I do not like otos because they don't get the job done IMO and they are not very hardy. I also like flying foxes but just make sure you have a tight and sealed lid so they cant get out. Amano shrimp are pretty good too.
The bristlenose pleco is a good choice for a tank that size. They eat algae for their whole lives and only get up to 4-5".

Nerite snails would be a good choice as well. As long as your water isn't very soft.

It also depends what kind of algae you are trying to get rid of. A fish that eats diatoms might ignore hair algae and vice-versa.
Even though Nerite snails can't breed in fresh successfully, they lay little sesame seed like eggs all over everything, that never seem to degrade and nothing eats.

I like my Brstlenose Pleco, and frankly like Ramshorn snails provided you have some way to control their population (I have shrimp and angelfish both of whom eat their eggs). Most people hate Ramshorn snails, though.
I have SAEs, Otos, and BN Plecos in my 60g. The Otos are the ones that really cleaned my plants up the best. (They were added last.)

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