eggs should they be moved?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 29, 2006
ok i am thinking of moving my marisas eggs, to something that can catch the babies or into the tank they're going to grow in. i had alot of trouble trying to dig all the canas out of my 10g when they were large enough to be moved. my question is this; should i move the entire leaf that they are on or is it ok for me to gently pull them off of that and put them in something else? the snails in the first larger clutch are already visible, should i just let them grow there, i kinda dont want to cause i fear i lost afew of the canas messing with the gravel, i use a reg vac to do the water and gravel cleaning then i use my python to fill. thanx in advance.
No-one answered this before and really I only just discovered this area of the forum, so I don't know if you already resolved this (I guess so). If it was me, I'd remove the whole leaf rather than the eggs: the plant will recover but if you damage the eggs then you've lost them. I always heard it's best removing spawning media (i.e. slate, plant leaf etc) when you deal with eggs, rather than trying to remove the eggs (unless, I guess, if they're stuck to the glass!)
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