Ok, so I’ve had 10 Ember tetras in a 10 gallon with my Betta for about 3.5 months just fine. I changed the water a little over a week ago and before that I didn’t do it for two weeks because I was in the hospital with appendix surgery but changed it as soon as I can after. I also just put a new bubble filter in but left part of the filter media and the lava rocks in, would my tank recycle? Anyway, one of my poor tetras was dead today and the embers were eating him, didn’t seem like the Betta was. I don’t know if he was sick, they are really fast for the Betta, or if the Betta caught him off guard when he was sleeping. Last week I did notice on of the tetras at the top of the water more, so I got a bubble filter for better filtration and more oxygen in the water, but I hadn’t seen him at the top since? Anyway, I know I’ll never know but do you think it’s more likely he got sick or that the Betta caught him off guard?