Emerald green cory catfish

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 31, 2014
How Large do emerald green cory catfish grow and how long does it take to reach their fully grown size. Are there any factors that contribute to the rate of their growth, and how long do cory catfish live.

Also what are some appropriate tank mates for cory catfish.
I just picked some big ones up from my LFS. I don't know if they're full grown yet though ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1425521592.224724.jpg

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Cory catfish work with about all smaller community fish they won't try to eat them. So just no cichlids with the exception of like angels/Rams. Think max size is 3 inches. One fish my Cory cats didn't like was my dojo loach. He's very active and it stressed them out because he's 5 inches versus their 1 inch little body. They are great in bigger groups and so fun to watch. I have 5 emeralds and 3 panda corys. Makes for a very fun active tank. I keep them with tetras, guppies, peacock Gudgeon, and snails. Cherry barbs, danios, and other tetras will also work with them. One thing to watch out for with corys is their temp tolerance varies by species. They are sensitive to high heat and excessive salt in the water.

Hope this helps :)


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