Emperor Angel / Aggressive Fish, Questions

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 31, 2011
I have a juvi emperor angel (4-5 inches, just begining to get yellow in his veins) who appears to me to had killed my cleaner shrimp (adult) and then on a seperate night had done the same to my cleaner wrasse (2 inches).

Tank - (save the your tanks to small for that angel post ultimately this is the solution and in a month or 2 I will be upgradin to 100+ gallons)
29 gallon
2 x 30 gallon filters
450 gph power head
30g protien skimmer

Now its a mystery murder still to me still. I do not know that the emperor is the culprit. Each time it happened after the lights were off and I was sleeping.
Tank - (save the your tanks to small for that angel post ultimately this is the solution and in a month or 2 I will be upgradin to 100+ gallons)
29 gallon
And you wonder why the angel is aggressive?
Woops hit the send button to soon............

BTW - tank mates -
Emperor angel
Pair of juvi clowns (black and white, wth the orange face)
Emerald crab
Pom pom crab
5-6 hermits
Signal goby

Skunk cleaner shrimp - it was an adult. When I woke up to this guy dead he was in pieces and the emperor was pickin off meat at what I would say is the torso. I got the water tested the next day and I had a little to high nitrite and nitrate. Which the lfs and I agreed on being over feeding. Ammonia was normal

The emperor was never agressive to the shrimp what so ever. When I first bought the shrimp he went right away to cleaning the emperor angel. Through about the week after the shrimp was acclimated, it would not clean the angel anymore. the emeperor would keep backin his side into the shrimp asking to be cleaned with no response from the cleaner shrimp. About 2 weeks later I woke up the shrimp dead.

Cleaner Wrasse - this fish was put into the tank 4 - 5 days ago with the signal goby. (The emeperor would be semi agressive towards the clowns before the wrasse and signal were put it, putting the goby and wrasse ultimately made the emperor forget about the clowns)
When I first put him in he started to clean the emperor but the wrasse must have rubbed him the wrong way during cleaning cus in the middle of the initial clean to the emperor, the angel began barking and chasing him. And ever since then no cleaning, again. But the difference is instead of the angel asking for cleaning and getting turned down, the positions were switched. about 4 days after acclimation the wrasse was found dead but this time I didn't see the angel eating him. I just found him dead with some of the meat lookin like it was picked at. but you must know that the day before I found him dead I accidently left my ac off in my house, which over the period of the day warming up, allowed the temperature to increase from 77 to 82.

So enough with setting this mystery up (even though I could type a whole lot more if needed). It is not for sure the angel is the murderer (although he was found at the scene of the crime eating the victims). My other two guesses are that the nitrite and nitrate spike from over feeding killed the skunk shrimp and the temperature spike stress killed the wrasse, ultmately resulting in dead fish being picked at and cleaned up by the crabs and angel. So they were dead before they were picked apart? is it a coincidence that only both cleaning animals were killed my tank? (these are the only beings to die in my tank).

I feed the fish some spectrum pellets and hve switched off between brine shrimp and mysis shrimp. All mates eat everything and seem up to par on health. Am I missing some fat or protein in my feeding for my angel which the angel is looking for in my live animals?
Ya cccpt I think you hve a good point. 29 probably causes some of the aggression. The angel has never seemed agressive enough to kill any fish. Can fish hunt in complete darkness. I got no lunars and the room gets pitch black.
FTMMWS said:
Even your upgrade to a 100 is not going to be enough room for that angel

Thanks for the productive info and correct tank size. 100+ to me is more than 10
Sorry about the confusing post. I am sending them from my phone and I hit the send button to soon so the my first two big posts should have been one post.

I meant to say 100+ is more than 30 (phone error). But I was hoping for more specific responses (like you did in your second post ftmmws).

I agree the tank is to small. Can I ease up the agression with a better diet?

The angel was a recommended hardy first buy fish from the lfs to a newcomer. (what a great idea that was)
Good luck I've had mine for a year. Just around two months ago i notice I had no more shrimp. And they have been in there when I first sent up my tank two years ago. The bigger he gets the bigger the mouth gets.

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