Enough algae to share?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 7, 2009
Wichita, KS
A couple of days ago, I put two Ottosinclus in a five gallon hex that had some algal growth. Overnight, the tank cleaned up well.

Right now the ottos are less than an inch long. But when fullgrown they will be two inches long. Now I wonder, have I used two algae eaters when one would have been plenty? Will there be enough food to go around? What should I do?
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It doesnt sound like this should be in the Saltwater forums. Moving this to the Freshwater forums.
A 5 gal prob won't have enough algae to feed 2 otos ... you can increase your algae growth - adding nitrates, phosphates, light & so forth, but that would be defeating the purpose. Better to get some algae discs & feed the otos when your tank is squeaky clean. <Smear some on the glass & the otos should be able to find it.>
I've had trouble smearing the algae wafers on the glass, they are too hard. I assume that I have to soak them or something first?

When I put half an algae wafer in the tank and came back later I found the otto cats eating it. Also the poop from the platys was the color of the algae wafer. This suggests that the platys ate their share too.

Will I need to make this a single otto tank?
Its typical that alot of other fish in the tank will eat the algae wafers.
My daughter has an oto in her tank. I feed my plecos and chinese algae eaters veggies often, my daughter found that her oto really likes Zucchini so she will puts a slice on a veggie clip every now and then for him.
I think you'll be fine keeping the two otos together in the tank. They like to be in small groups anyway. Feed the algae wafers and some veggies as suggested, and you won't have to worry about them getting enough to eat. Otos should be nice and plump.

Since you said you just added the otos, I have linked a good site for oto care:

www.otocinclus.com - Home of the Dwarf Suckermouth Catfishes
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