Essential Fishkeeping reading...

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 9, 2008
Laurel, MD
So for you experienced fishkeepers... What books do you find to be essential reading for anyone wanting to push further into this addicti... err... hobby?

Being ID books, techniques, basic skills, inspiration, whatever... what books could you not be without?
With all the info on the net, I would be hard pressed to find an indispensable book.

For basic info, I read the KRIB FAQ, & The Skeptical Aquarist site for more advanced stuff. After that, it is Google.
here is the problem I see... everyone on the net has an opinion, and its easy to put it out there leading to a ton of misinformation. I came across this while doing research for my tank, and caused myself a *lot* of heartburn. The fact is that as long as you are a good graphics designer and make yourself a nifty looking site, you will be taken as an expert. I would think that there has to be a few top tier aquarists that have written books about the hobby?
I do think the most up to date information is on the net. However, I also like to drag a nice big picture book into bed to read before sleep.

So, for general reading (and marveling at the old-fashioned equipment and outdated advice) and slobbering at pictures, I like Herbert Axelrods Atlas of Freshwater Fish. And the Baensch Aquarium Atlas -es as well.
If you are into plants, there is a book by Walstad called Ecology of the Planted Aquarium that makes interesting reading. It brings out lots of information about how plants and fish interact in their environment. The focus is on the plants, not the fish.
great looking recomendations! Especially the plant book... may have to look into getting that one as the idea of plants not made of plastic is awful intimidating right now ;)
Beware that Walstad's spin on plants is minimal care but that means slower growth than many people go for.
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