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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 28, 2004
I went looking for more apistogramma cacatuoides and found a pair of "triple" full red cacatouides ... The only difference I can see from my double full red is the anal fin is red along with the tail and dorsal fin. The "triple" female is no different than the double.. I'll try to post a pic tonite.. he does look awesome..
The pic in that auction looks faked/touched up. lol Nice looking fish though. Can't wait for the pics.
That is awesome. The orange just looks unreal. Now I must resist the urge to set up a apisto tank. :?
It is truely a stunning fish. Congrats! :D
thanks.. hopefully I'll get some fry :lol:

they cost a lot... but i couldnt resist. they were the only pair in the store

the cheapest that i've found the double were 29.99

so know you understand the need to breed!
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