Evil Brittle Star?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 20, 2003
Detroit MI
So, my friend has this brittle star. It has been eating fish. Four of them, to be exact. 2 clarkii clownfish and a cardinal. The other I forget. I was just wondering...is this a true brittle star? It hides in the LR, and apparently at night it snares the fish and devours most of the body. I usually see them recommended, so I'm just wondering, in the event I end up with one. :-\
If it's an Olive Green Brittle (Ophiarachna incrassata), they are noted fish predators. This is the only Brittle star known to be _not safe_ in a reef tank.
If it is not the olive green brittle than I would say the fish die and the brittle eats them after they are dead.

No, it's snaring them in the LR and eating them. The yellow tang and the flame angel are too large and quick for it to get them. It's only getting fish under 3-4" Thanks for the note though on the Olive Green, ReefLady...I'll be sure to look out for it. =]

So any other brittle/serpent star is okay except the Oilve green ones? I would love to get a few more and I guess I should get rid of my olive green one even though he hasn't done any harm in the 6+ months I've had him.

It's actually kind of funny, my LFS( I listen to .001% of what they tell me) has all there brittle/serpent stars labeled as predator/fish eater except the olive green one which is labeled as "reef-safe" :roll:
Oops, I couldnt get the pic to upload, oh well. Is the brittle star you are talking about green with yellow spikes and a relatively small green disk? If so then ive got one.
I would specifically go by the scientific name above instead of trying to interpret a starfish being "reef-safe" by the color...to much room for error. If your LFS can't tell you exactly what it is then I wouldn't buy one, if they are respectable they will know what their livestock is (not to say things don't get mislabeled too though).

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