Extremely Small White Worms?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 20, 2004
Orange County
I recently bought 100 guppy fish and 3 winchester plants for my 30gallon aquarium. Its filtered by a 204 fluval, and has biweekly 50% water changes.

before the new fish I had 3 fold fish about 4 to 5 inches in size. And one procasoumis, that was about 5 inches.

well the new fish, the guppies, were dropping like flies, I lost 22 the first night, (within 6 hours). I let the bags float in the water for 20 minutes so they woulnd't get shocked.

most of them would get wrapped around the fluval nozzle that sucks the water in. So I unplugged it and many of them reverted to lying on their side on the bottom of the aquarium until they would die and float to the top.

the gold fisgh were still fine.

the next morning (Sunday) I fished out about 30 or them. I noticed that they all had fin-rot so I bought some medicine. I then plugged the filter back in to weed out the week. It worked, and he death rates have went down. However I'm still loosing fish, I pulled out about 20 more this morning. thats a 70% casualty!

The surviving ones seem to have much less fin rot than those that have died.

However I have another issue here. When I was examining the fish I spotted and extremely small, and I mean small, my dads eyes would be to crappy to see these things. and then one of the guppies came by an ate it! It look like a microscopic theres swimming around in the water! Crazy!

I brought my bro in who has more experience than me and he said hes never seen that. We both decreded ed that they were parasites.

So I was searching the nets today and it looks like it might be planaria, however, I havn't seen any on my glass, of course, I don't have a lid either.

any ideas on the worms
Whoahhhh, you have 100 guppies in your 30 gallon tank? Are you serious? That is way too much. You are beyond overstocked. It sounds like the first 22 died of ammonia poisioning.

How long has your tank been up and running? How often are you feeding them. What are your water parameters? I'm guessing with all that fish, you are feeding quite often. And it sounds like Planaria and is caused by over feeding.

How often are you doing water changes? They are very harmless and like you have noticed, your fish will even munch on them.

But for now, I suggest you do a water change with a vacumming of your gravel and then return most of your guppies before they all die.

Is your tank cycled?
First, that is way too many fish and way too many to add to any tank at one time. If you want any to survive you should probably freeze half of them. The fin rot could be from the ammonia as well. Guppies often have intestinal worms such as camallanus. These could be your little worms. Learn more about what fish require before starting a tank. :x
first of all, I have had my tank for over 2 years. And I and my brother have always overstocked our tanks wihtout many problmes. Heck he had three oscar fish in his 29 gallon tank, with no problems at all!

And I used to have an oscar, a hermit crab, a precasumis, and about 50 gold fish for him to eat.

anyways I know that its technically breaking the rules but I really havn;t had problems like this in the past. And my borher has always had way more fish in his tank without problmes

however, those intestional worms sound like it, cuase form what I can tell they arn't flat and there arn't any on the glass.

However now that I have a little over 25 guppies and 1 procasumis, I think I'll keep it this way

So how do I get rid of those intestinal worms????
i cheked on those intestinal worms, there isn't a way to treat it other than to let the guppy population die out. But I'd assume that other fish could be affected as well. However, they are siad to be small brown worms, which is cearly not what I have.

anyways, the fin rot is almost all gone. I've got to more day of treat ment.

The remaining fish seem to be healty.

any thoughts on those worms though?
The worms are planaria, look the word up, look at pictures, and go: "Aaaaaaaaaah, yes, that's them."
Don't buy anymore fish before you have read every single post in this forum for the next two months. I'm serious.
Billsgate said:
The worms are planaria, look the word up, look at pictures, and go: "Aaaaaaaaaah, yes, that's them."
Don't buy anymore fish before you have read every single post in this forum for the next two months. I'm serious.

Ive don my fair research on planairs, but they are so small that I don't think that they are round, but even if so there are non crawling on my glass.

but this forum isn't very hospitable, even the largest forums I have been to have enough moderators to weed out the jerks fairly soon. I think I'll retire from this hell hole.
I'm sorry if you were offended, but if you post this on any fish forum, that you put 100 guppies in a 30 gal that already has 3 goldfish (which is already the limit for a 30 gal), you will always have this sort of responses.
Yes i'm angry at you for doing such a thing, because it doesn't work, and yes, i'm a jerk, feel free to think that, but please i beg you, do not buy anymore fish before you know what fishkeeping is about. Maybe if you were extremely terribly lucky you could pull this of for a little while, but your fish would never live a healthy life and would die way too soon.
Please keep reading this forum, please learn about fishkeeping. That's it.
Jdrumstick, it's paradoxical that you're bright enough to have done your "fair research" on planaria and yet consciously choose to massively overstock your tank. You need to either admit that you are overloading the tank and fix it or continue to overstock and deal with the sad results. Just be aware that fish in such poor conditions are suffering immensely, and that is the reason for the other posters' anger at you.
Well, if you haven't run away, there are treatments for camallanus. Levamisole hydrochloride is the treatment of choice but can be hard to find. Jungle makes a medicated food that contains it along with other anti-parasite stuff. I can't guarantee its effectiveness as I just found it a few weeks ago. I found it at petsmart. Good luck.
Presence said:
This portion of your post has been edited, it is in violation of the User Agreement. Further violations of the User Agreement could result in removal from our community.

Well...I can tell you treating people like this will never get them to change their ways.

Please don't treat people like that.

There has been a sharp decrease in the amout of people on aquarium advice and it is because of people like you.
PK Tester said:
There has been a sharp decrease in the amout of people on aquarium advice and it is because of people like you.

Prove it.
Apparently the moderators that I reported you too didn't like your posts very much.

Please be kinder to people or just simply leave.
Well I can say from experience, that yes you can have a overstocked tank and yes the fish can survive in such a tank, but survive is all they shall ever do. They will not thrive, they will not grow to their potential, nor shall they show in all the glorious colors that they would normally show. Overstocking is a sad fact of this hobby, but it is a fact non the less. I would agree that having that many fish in the stated tank is way beyond the limits of common sense, but if the person posting is intent on doing so, nothing you, or I say will change this. Perhaps one day this person shall realize that there is more to this hobby than simply stuffing as many fish as you possibly can into a tank and watching them swim around, but perhaps not. Until then most of us try tto educate and help as best we can, and hope the fish dont all suffer.
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