False Juli Cory

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 7, 2014
I just got myself 3 Juli Corys from the store today and two of them have been swimming around the bottom as they usually do, but the largest of the three will swim along the bottom with them for 5 seconds and then lay on the bottom of the tank for a couple of minutes. is it normal for a cory to not move so much or should i be worried he is moving half as much as the other two
Your Fish

I just got myself 3 Juli Corys from the store today and two of them have been swimming around the bottom as they usually do, but the largest of the three will swim along the bottom with them for 5 seconds and then lay on the bottom of the tank for a couple of minutes. is it normal for a cory to not move so much or should i be worried he is moving half as much as the other two

Hello furl...

Corydoras are shoaling fish and have their own swimming patterns. Just keep the water in the tank a pure as possible with large, frequent water changes and feed a little bit of a variety of foods and they'll live a long time.

I have some that are more than 5 years old. I just change a lot of tank water and change it often.

I just got myself 3 Juli Corys from the store today and two of them have been swimming around the bottom as they usually do, but the largest of the three will swim along the bottom with them for 5 seconds and then lay on the bottom of the tank for a couple of minutes. is it normal for a cory to not move so much or should i be worried he is moving half as much as the other two

Cories do some weird behaviors. But is the fish breathing hard/rapidly ?

Test your water. If you have room add 3 more of the same species.

Are these C trilineatus ?

A better common name is 3 Lined Cory as that's what their Latin name means.

There are many species sold as C julii.

C trilineatus aren't false anything ;)

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Yes, sometimes they sit for hours at a time and sometimes they are very active.

You can have a small school of 3 of one species, especially if you have other corys in the tank. 3 of each species is the smallest school I'd do. Yes, larger schools are better if possible. I've read that in nature they have schools of 150!

I have 5 peppered corys and for the first 6 months they spent most of the daylight hours hiding in the plants. Now they frequently are the most active fish in the tank and often swim up to the waterline, or even upside down to eat stuff in the biofilm.

My corys have become so bold that I have to watch out not to run into them when working in the tank. I've had corys "kiss" my arm when I'm working in the tank. Give them a chance to settle in. They probably will get bolder and more active over time.
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