Fancy goldfish sick

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 17, 2005
Saskatchewan, Canada
My step mom has two fancy goldfish. One of them is afflicted with a rash of sores I would call them on his rear fin. They look rather like a rash. He is hiding at the back of the tank. I will try and post a pic tomorrow. She just did a water change today. It looks like kind of a fungus or ulcers to me. I have no idea what her parameters are, she doesn't test 8O . I am taking my kit over tomorrow and some salt and Pimafix to see if that helps. He is still eating, not flashing. I think it is brought on by stress, I have been insisting she needs a bigger tank for them. They are huge and in only a 15 gal. I found her a 33 gal for $60.00, I'm making sure she gets it. Poor fish, they are so cramped and seem stressed to me. Any ideas on what it might be with so little info?

#7 maybe?
They aren't fully open and they are kind of in the folds of the rear fin, just below #8 if you get what I mean.
So, we're talking about the dorsal fin? Does it look like a sore that has healed?

Puriti...where did you get that pic?! It's really good for identifying diseases and locations. (y)
Jchillin said:
So, we're talking about the dorsal fin? Does it look like a sore that has healed?

Puriti...where did you get that pic?! It's really good for identifying diseases and locations. (y)

It looks like a sore just not fully healed. I am taking some aquarium salt to her and we have increased the temps.
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