Fancy Oscar question

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 6, 2006
I just recently got a small fancy oscar (only about 4 inches long right now). It was very active in the tank (from walmart), the most active of all the oscars, its colors were bright, and it looked over all pretty healthy. The guy at walmart put it in a bag (he didnt use water from the tank, not sure it that matters or not) and handed me the fish. I headed home and acclimated the oscar to my tank for about 20-25 minutes. In that time, however, it started looking worse and worse. Now it stays in the back corner of my tank, staring at the glass. It looks like its 'balance' is off because it keeps going sideways, and it doesnt look like it has much strength as it lays on the bottom of the tank a lot. Does anyone have any idea what would be wrong? I did a PWC right before he went in the tank, but he seemed to be getting worse before he even got into the tank. Should I wait a little longer or return it? Any suggestions would be great, thanks.
It is in a 25 gallon right now, I realize it will outgrow this tank in the future, but for now it is ok. It shares the tank with a very small red tail shark (which is doing just fine). My tank has been up and running for over 4 months now, so it is cycled.
Nitrates: 20ppm
Nitrites: 0ppm
All of my parameters seem in order...
The guy at walmart may have used tapwater, Im not sure though.
The water that comes out of those sinks is dechloinated (or should be), but is not heated. The water is very cold. That'd be my concern. It may be too late, but for now I would keep your tank light off and try and keep the fish as calm as possible. Keep good water quality, and hope he pulls through alright.

Oscars are usually pretty tough. I messed up once and put new water during a water change that was 10 degrees colder . 2 Pacus developed ick and eventually died. But my Oscar pulled through and is doing very well now.
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