fat fancy

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 21, 2003
swansea mass
hi i have a fat fancy gold fish in my pond have had her for about 18 months i take her and the other 2 in for the winter she is about the size of a naval orange the problem is that i noticed that the other day she is nose down in the pond she keeps floating tail up other then that she looks alright just keeps bobbing up and down under the water not on top ,when i try to get her she swims like hell to get away i would hate to lose her thank you tim :cry:
sounds like swim bladder disease, which the fancies are prone to. You can try to fast her for two days and then feed with blanched peas. That will help to clear her out if it's not SBD. If it is her swim bladder, then there's typically not much you can do. You can try to treat her with antiboitics just in case as well, but SBD has been the demise of many a goldfish.
finally got her and put her in a 30 gal tank with the other 2 fancys she seems to be doing fine just every once and a while she dos summer salts across the tank she is eating good and enjoys the tank so i will just keep her till the time she just floats around and can not survive any more thank you for the help tim
talked to a fish guy at the pet store he said that it happens some times when gold fish eat to much live stuff like worms, smaller fish , to much protein what happens is they get blocked up which pushes on the swim : gladder, he is happy in the tank and every now and then he do back flips across the tank it dos not matter , :?:
You can try feeding it yogurt, it will flush them out. Temp seems to play a large role in SBD aswell. Feeding can effect this aswell not feeding might help, if u use floating food pellets it can help with the sinkers, Quick Grow by Hai Feng makes so fish float so it might make her sink... but SBD is genetic and typically there is nothing you can do for it.
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