Feather duster moving?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 29, 2010
Calgary, Canada
I have a Hawaiian feather duster, purple one..and hes been in his tube where i put him in the tank for a month or more now, no problems comes out, looks pretty...today i look and his tube seems kinda deflated so i figure whatever its looked like that before, and sure enough a few minutes later hes out showing off, i check the tank like 3 hours later and hes not in his tube hes on the other side of the tank sticking out the side of some live rock...

can they move? i thought they needed to be in the tube at all times...and i checked again just after lights out and hes in a totally different spot again...(original tube i bought him in is still in the same spot in my tank, it has not moved at all.

is he sick? or just not going to cooperate and stay where i want him?
Most likely it is looknig for a place with more flow. It can grow a new tube in a few hours. Leave it alone and hope it found a new place that it likes before being eaten by others.
he seemed to crawl into the back area of the tank and hast moved, his feathers dont seem to be moving at all either..
The feathers are optional. Called the crown. They usually blow the crown, then move. Ugly looking wormlike thing. Hopefully it'll survive and build another tube.
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