feather fin catfish

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 22, 2012
Hi, Ive just got an almost 200mm Feather Fin Catfish, which has been in a 3ft tank only half filled and it was very green with no filtration, it is about 8 to 10 years old, so I was told., its now in a filtered tank with a few other fish and seems to be doing very well, I appreciate this is maybe an older fish but luv it and want to look after it the best I can, I've got the algae tablets and a hidden cave area for it to go in and out of, but should I put some sort of wood in the tank, and is there anything else that is a necessity for this species to live a long and happy life, is a very healthy looking FF. Thanks
I was curious to see what he looked like and I have found they can reach 8 inches, but if he's that old it's possible 6.5 inches or 20 centimeters is all he will reach. I think he would like a piece of wood personally.
I have one of these and he's great! They like to have caves to hide in and mine seems to like the driftwood, though I wouldn't call it necessary. Hope this helps! :)
ff catfish

thanks everybit helps, Ive never had catfish before so any advice is welcome, ive seen one at least 3 inches bigger than the one I have , so hopefully all will go well, thanks for replying cheers
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