Feeding and pregnancy

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 8, 2012
Bartlett, IL
Hello all! I have a pregnant fish that has not eaten in exactly three weeks today. She is active and NOT happy to be in a breeding net. I have not tempted her with food, but my fish expert tells me to give her some blood worms. I've read to not tempt them so they don't spit early or eat the babies. This is my first experience and now I don't know what to do.

How long do I let her go? She can't get food on her own because she is in a net. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!!
How long has she been in the net? I never keep one in a breeding net longer then a few hours. Water circulation is not good at all in them and a huge lack of oxygen.
It's a mesh net, I don't know if that matters, but she has been in there since yesterday. How can I time birth by a couple of hours?
Ya the mesh nets are no different, it is the one I use. I'm not sure what kind of fish you have exactly, I know with Mollies they start hanging by the filter or heater and stay away from all other fish and they have a gravid spot that gets bigger at time of birth.

It is almost a hit and miss with fish birthing. It really comes down to what matters to you most your pregnant fish or the fry. The mom can get overly stressed in the nets sometimes which can lead to death.
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