feeding panda cory question

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 28, 2003
I want to give my Panda Cory food other than sinking tablet. What vegetable or plant that is sinkable do you recommend to feed them? Does anyone know a way to make freeze dried blood worm sink?

Cories are not specifically vegetarians, but they do eat some of my algae wafers. However, they like also flake food, bettamin, etc. For the frozen blood worms, I just put them in the water, and they sink. Alternatively, you can soak them and "manually" deposit them at the bottom or let the cories eat from your hand!
I would try soaking the FD bloodworms first in a separate container, and then see if they will sink once they have soaked. Frozen bloodworms are probably better for sinking.
Cory Food

Hi. At least once a day I take a pinch regular, high-quality flake food, hold below the water surface for a few seconds and then let it drift to the bottom. Usually after the other fish have had their fill. Thawed out frozen bloodworms WILL sink. Your best bet is sinking wafers (not solely algae wafers). - Frank/Guppyman
Frozen bloodworms are the premium cory food. Get a length of acrylic tubing from the LFS. They should carry some that is about 5/8"-3/4" in size that is used for undergravel filter uplift tubes. Stick the tubing in the tank and drop the frozen bloodworms in it. They will, after a few minutes, thaw out and sink to the bottom. Then you can remove the tubing and watch the corys go nuts. Hikari also makes some sinking wafers just for catfish and loaches. My corys like those pretty well too.
Cory Food

Hi. Well, IMHO I would rate them as the second-best food of choice. Live California blackworms are regarded by most Cory people as THE ultimate food and it is next to impossible to breed many species of Cory without using them for conditioning. Not trying to be disagreeable, here. - Frank/Guppyman
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