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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 13, 2013
So I have a cichilad community tank with a couple non cichilads ive been feeding them all tropical flakes with color enhancers. What else could I feed them all besides tropical flakes thay would keep colors bright?

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I used to feed my cichlids tropical flakes but then switched to omega cichlid flakes and there color is crazy, and I noticed a difference in water clarity. These cichlid flakes have protein plus vegetable matter, so it's a great staple food. You can add veggies (cooked or steamed), meal worms, crickets, brine shrimp, mine even get snails every once and awhile. Just look into the kind of cichlids you have and see what's appropriate for them to eat :)
What about tetracichilad?

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
Its a flake food anyone have experience with it?

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
Personally I don't like the tetra products. To me they seem much more low quality. They also clouded the water when I used them. Don't get me wrong, my fish ate them, so they must taste good.
Tons of phosphorous in tetra. When fish eat it, that converts to phosphates. That leads to algae and cloudy water.
If you compare foods, high phosphorous is generally an indicator of low quality. High phosphorous can mean there is a lot of fish bone grounds into it.
Also look at the ingredient list to see where the binder is at. The lower it is, generally the better quality it is.
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