Filter question?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 18, 2013
I am getting a new filter for my 55 gallon. Its a submersible filter 210 gph. Its an off brand but I have used one a smaller version in my 15 and loved it. It basically has some black filter floss like stuff in it cut to shape.
My question is, can I add different media to the basket that might make this filter a little more efficient? Kind of like adding media to canister filters or box filters. That way I'm getting some chemical filtration.

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Yup. My recommendation is Purigen because it's renewable, and much more effective than carbon. It also won't take out medication that carbon would disable, or plant products like Flourish.
You can use whatever you like - just ensure you have maximum surface area for the development of nitrifying bacteria
I was thinking some de-nitrate or purigen. With some ceramic stuff for bacteria. And maybe some peat moss.

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Internal Tank Filters

I am getting a new filter for my 55 gallon. Its a submersible filter 210 gph. Its an off brand but I have used one a smaller version in my 15 and loved it. It basically has some black filter floss like stuff in it cut to shape.
My question is, can I add different media to the basket that might make this filter a little more efficient? Kind of like adding media to canister filters or box filters. That way I'm getting some chemical filtration.

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Hello court...

I use Tetra Whispers in a couple of my 55 gallons tanks. If you're a faithful water changer, you don't need to spend money on chemical filter medium. Just remove and replace half of the tank water every couple of weeks. The water change does the same job.

Hey Bradbury, I do water changes every 3rd day. I have high nitrates out of my tap water :/ its just terrible. Luckily I'm moving soon so hopefully I won't have to do that much more often

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I think one of the best locations for clean tap water is where I'm from, Colorado. There's so little metals and other dumb stuff in the water that my reef tank doesn't even use RO/DI water because it really doesn't need it.
Sighhh lucky!!! I hate high pH and about 10ppm-15ppm nitrates out of my tap :(

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