finally tank ready! what kinda fish?? thanks!!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 7, 2004
my 10G hex is finally ready!!! at first i wanted 6-7 cardinals and 3 corys but i went to 3 places [2 petcos] and they didn't have any...

so my question is now... what other stuff can i get? i was looking @ glolites, but the just kinda just stood motionless or neons... but they're so common.... can i have suggestions please??? thanks!
Well if u want somthing livly beautiful and with some color I'd suggest about 5-6 female bettas, or green tiger barbs(im not sure how many tho). I think theyd really liven up the tank.I had never been one for female bettas till I got mine it reall livin ups the tank. So pretty and active.

Just a
5-6 femals bettas huh? never really considered that tho, but it does sound pretty cool... how would i know if they were females? also can i keep ghost shrimp with them? thanks
Just be careful putting bettas with barbs.... it probably should be one or the other. How about 1 male betta, 3 otocinclus and 3 or 4 platys? Or some tetras would work too...instead of platys. Go to for fish profiles.
Hi Blip,

i'm from MA also and i love Cardinals, I was told by the mgr at my local Petco that Cardnials don' t travel very well and are somewaht senstive to changes in water parameters so thats why they don't carry them...I assume its the same chain wide, and at Petsmart also. I did find a place here in MA that does carry them. It's called Doc's Petland in N. Reading. When I was in there they were out of stock but they said they get them regularly. I want to get five but have no room in ,my tank plus i have a Pitcus Catfish and I'd worry that he would "like them" too much. I'm not sure how close you are to North Reading, but check it out. If not do a search on Verizon Superpages for pet store you should find some close to you (other than the chains) maybe they might have some .
tamtam said:
Well if u want somthing livly beautiful and with some color I'd suggest about 5-6 female bettas, or green tiger barbs(im not sure how many tho). I think theyd really liven up the tank.I had never been one for female bettas till I got mine it reall livin ups the tank. So pretty and active.

Just a

that might not be a good idea for more than 2 or 3.... they are reall agressive in lager groups IME i have 2 and the are running my tank, not to an agressive level, but the other fish know their place
also male bettas are the ones kept in cups and have long fins.... the females are the ones kept in tanks in lage groups (NEVER PUT MALE BETTAS TOGETHER!!!)
next point.... lol glowlites are my fav great schooling fish :D 5 or 6 is best
Even more than one female in a 10g may be iffy...that's why I suggested one MALE...he'd be nice and showy in a 10g. (More "substantial" than one female, IMO). :wink:
smallfry said:
Just be careful putting bettas with barbs.... it probably should be one or the other.

Srry it sounded scetchy, I did mean one or the other :p oppsies. Ya i dont think the barbs would go well with mmany fish more than like two green tiger barbs and they go kinda canabelistic on the other fish. :?
but ya sorry for the i up I ment A: about 5 femmales or B: a couple tiger
Personaly I find females to get along very well with each other, and most others. I do highly recommend getting them fr the same tank at the same time tho just to go on the safe side. :)
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