Finding Suitable Fish for Cichlids

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 28, 2014
Georgia, USA
Hey, I'm planning on filling my tank with mostly cichlids, but I've heard there are other fish that can go well with them... I was thinking on keeping my Australian Rainbowfish, Pleco, and maybe even my silver dollars.. Do they seem like they would be ok with African or S. American cichlids?
I kept Australian rainbow fish with African cichlids for years. I had a group of 6 2 males, 4 females. It was fine. But I recently sold them to add more cichlids. It looked kinda weird. I've also kept them with a rainbow shark, and Chinese algae eater.
I cant comment on rainbows with chichlids I have never tried.

However I do have allot of puffer experience. No a south american puffer can not be kept with cichlids and as a matter of personal opinion I don't think they should be sold because they are very difficult to keep alive. I know of one person ( a very advanced puffer keeper) that was successful at keeping south american puffers and even he said he doesn't think they should be in the hobby. They are a actually a shoaling puffer they need to be in groups otherwise they get very stressed. They need allot of room minimum 125 for a group of 6 and their beaks grow much faster than other puffers and will need dental work even if they are fed the proper diet of crunchy food.
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