Fire eel and cichlids feeding question??

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 7, 2011
Seminole Florida
I have 10 malawi's in a 55 gallon with a small fire eel. All cycled out really good. My question is the fire eel loves ghost shrimp. And soooo do the cichlids. I know i cant feed the cichlids too many shrimp how can i feed the eel?? The cichlids are on flakes and pellets. How much is too much for the cichlids to eat on the shrimp? How should i start feeding the eel and how often?
I have a friend with a leopard eel in his lake tanganyika tank with some cichlids. The way he feeds the eel I by putting the eel's food in q bottle (plastic or glass VERY VERY well rinsed) and slowly fills it with tank water and then just let's it sink.
The cichlids can't fit inside and the eel will sniff out the food and squeeze right in no problem. FASCINATING to see!
Not sure how big your eel is though...
I would also double check and make sure that your eel and cichlid can handle a meaty diet that is high is fat, if not, you would need to look at alternatives.
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