Fireworm, or Bristleworm? (Pic)

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Aug 19, 2003
Charleston, SC
This thing is about 8 inches long. This is the first time I've seen it (tank is a year old) and I'm not sure if it is a bristleworm, or a fireworm.

With it being eight inches long, would you guys let it go or manually remove it?



  • bristleworm_681.jpg
    92 KB · Views: 161
that's a bristleworm I think. Like Cindy I would leave it, these guys can give a nice sting if your not careful.
Thanks for the suggestions...I'm going to leave it in until I see first-hand that it's doing damage to corals, etc.

Just because it's not the prettiest thing in the tank doesn't mean I need to get rid of it! :lol:

It seems these guys get a bad rap for nothing, anyway...
They definitely do, I got a six line and they started to disappear but at the same time the water quality and overall appearance of my tank declined as well. The bristles really do help clean the tank and are pretty cool to watch but I sure wouldnt want to get stung by one! So all and all i would leave them until you absolutely have to remove them!
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