First Aquarium

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 21, 2009
Hillsboro, IL
I recently purchased a 29 gallon saltwater tank for my baby girl. It has been running for 5 days. I have had 11 lbs of live rock in it for 3 days. Any advice on how long to wait to add fish? Local fish store sold me on some BIO-Spira that supposedly makes aquariums safe "instantly". She also sold me some blue leged crabs that she said was safe for the tank already. Any advice on how to start off the adventure would be appreciated!
Hi there,

Welcome to AA first of all. The tank doesn't cycle that easy especially saltwater ones. and 11lbs of live rock for 29gallon is too little, you might need more, though you can mix it like other peeps here 75% base rock (BR) is cheaper and then 25% Live Rock (LR). Also, I was told to add bio spira, but don't do that, this hobby needs patience, so let the nature do its cycling. Please read the articles that are provided here

It will help you to know how to cycle the tank and how long it takes. Please don't add the hermit crabs yet, cause they will die in it. Also, always do the readings, get the test kit, the parameters are very important while you're cycling your tank to see the ammonia and nitrite spike.

I hope this helps.
Thanks for the advice. I took a water sample to Petco today and everything was in great shape. The lady actually told me I could add fish.
do you have a test kit?
either way, add a healthy pinch of flake food and within 24hrs test the water or get it tested, if you dont have a test kit, get one, youll need it later anyways.
Welcome aoard and good luck!
I have the test kit that came with my aquarium. But Petco does it for free and its right next to work. What is the base rock? Is that the crushed coral?

I took a water sample to Petco today and everything was in great shape. The lady actually told me I could add fish.

Don't believe everything the pet store says without checking it out.
That mistake has been made by many here.

Try posting in {SW getting started forum} lots of good advice there.

And welcome again.

Lots of stores do that. And Big pet chains have people who have no idea about much of anything unfortunately (when it comes to fish care). I had a LFS do that to me in the's safe now! I bought a tank set up, and they were like...don't you want fish? And I said, "I thought it was supposed to cycle for a month or so." They said..nooo not today, that's not necessary. Well...I didn't do it..I let it cycle, and thought twice about believing anything this particular person told me from then on
I was told by a sales person at petsmart the same thing - here buy these fish, buy these plants (that turned out to be non-aquatic) and throw 'em in, they will be fine. Lost at least half the fish from the initial purpose, and had to get rid of the plants. I have since made many changes/upgrades to my aquarium(s), but never without seeking some advice on AA first.
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