First planted tank

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 27, 2013
Saskatchewan Canada
I want to start my first planted tank! I have an empty 10g and an empty 30g laying around and was wondering which would be best for it. I wanted to do a low tech tank so which size is better for that? Thanks

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I used a 10g. Now I wish it was bigger, footprint wise anyway. I use CFL's so I can't go to deep, because I like carpeting plants that need moderate light. I'm gonna upgrade to a 30g planted tank soon as I can.
That was my main concern I didnt want to do it and want more. The other hand I dknt want to bite off more then I can chew

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It really depends on how committed you are and if you want to go high light, high tech (more maintenance) or low light, low tech ( less maintenance)

Your budget will also will be a factor.

I started with a 10 gallon and I really liked it, but I wanted more fish after a while and ended up with a 29 gallon.

Maybe do
I want to do low light forsure, but still fifty fifty on the tanks. Im thinking maybe doing the ten and seeing how it goes than ifbi want moving up and doing the bigger one aswell

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Which brings me to my next question want are some good starter plants lolm ive heard java fern is a good beginning plant. I want to have like a background in the back of tall plant then slowly progress to smaller stuff st the front of the tank

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Like I said I started with the ten, but then I wanted to up grade....I just moved everything over. It's part of the fun IMO.

I'm a big fan of java fern, but crypts do well in low light. If you do a search on here of low light plants you will find a ton. My favs....Java fern, anubias (all varieties) and dwarf sag. I've had success with all these in my ten.

What substrate and lights are you planning on using?
Don't t use the 10, harder to scape with low tech plants in a small area. You don't have enough small plants options with low tech. The scale is harder to achieve.

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My main thing is budget, thats why I wanted to go low tech. Cause aren't co2 equipment expensive. Thats just what ive heard. As well I have a fluval 405 cannister filter attached to the 30g. Will that kind of filter work? Or will it disturb the plants to much and damage them?

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It's always about budget for me. I run DIY co2, lighting, and root tabs. All with great results.

The canister filter is fine and IMO better in some ways (holds more media).

Have you decided on the substrate and lighting?
Substrate I was thinking fluoride and sand overtop. And lighting I dont really know, I currently just have a fluorescent tube that came with the tank. An aqueon colormax 120v 17w. So im assuming ill need a better one. I read somewhere you want 4 watts per gallinm is that true?

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Substrate I was thinking fluoride and sand overtop. And lighting I dont really know, I currently just have a fluorescent tube that came with the tank. An aqueon colormax 120v 17w. So im assuming ill need a better one. I read somewhere you want 4 watts per gallinm is that true?

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If you're gonna cap fluorite with sand. I recommend you use a product called safe t sorb. It's sold at tractor supply. It's real dirty so you will have to clean it well, but so is fluorite. It's way cheaper too. I believe a 40lbs bag you can get for $5. It's made of clay so it has good CEC just like fluorite. The owner of Peabody paradise, an aquatic plant dealer, swears by it.

As far as your light just modify what you have.
Wow yeah ill definitely look into that safe t sorb stuff. And that diy light mod is interesting. Would home depot sell that safe t sorb?

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Wow yeah ill definitely look into that safe t sorb stuff. And that diy light mod is interesting. Would home depot sell that safe t sorb?

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I only know of tractor supply selling it. A lot of people recommend safe t sorb. My next planted tank will have it capped with black blasting media.
So today Im going to go around my city seeinf if anywhere local sells safe t sorb. That way I dont have to deal with shipping. As well get the air lime for my co2 build

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Well I'm pissed. Some drunk decided to hit and run my car last night so there goes all my money for the fish tanks. Ill have to get a few more paychecks in me now before I can even do anything :(

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