fish by mail?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jan 13, 2004
Northern Virginia
I was just looking at some sites that claim to ship live fish overnight. Does anyone know about these places?

It sounds cruel to me....I wonder how a fish could stand to be in a bag inside a box for 18 to 24 hours.
My friend.... this is how 99.9% of aquarium fish arrive at their destinations.

The trip in a bag and box is the least of their worries.... being cyanide caught, deprived of food, stuck in improper water conditions and neglected is the biggest batch of concerns that your fish has :? .

On the bright side, Gently caught fish that have been transported carefully and quickly are probably no less the worse off then if they stayed in the wild to face predators.
I have bought fish from the internet before. I didn't like it because the fedex man didnt thinkd that live fish was that big of a deal and i got them 2 days later than when they were supossed to come in. They were alive but they looked like crap. They never did die.
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