Fish compatibility w/Tiger Barbs?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 29, 2004
I'm looking to consolidate tanks and am wondering if the following would be ok to house with 6 Tiger Barbs (and 6 scissor-tails):

2 juvi cory's (1.5")
4 zebra danios
1 rubberlip pleco (1")

The barbs are currently housed with 6 scissor-tails (in a 20G long) and have never bothered them one bit. There are various decorations/plants in which the fish could hide, but I'm really concerned with the cory's and pleco getting picked on. Heck, I'm not even sure how the zebra's would handle the 'energy' that the barbs put out.

As always, thanks!
When I had 6 tiger barbs in a planted tank with lots of rocks to hide in my Barbs never bothered my rubberlip, otos or rasbora. The just ran about picking on each other. I did let all the other fish acclimate for a couple days before I added the Barbs so that they would be established & know their way around. I really don't have any first hand experience with cory's or danios.
They should be fine. Tiger barbs can be fin nippers but generally leave fast-moving fish alone unless they are the long-fin variety (of course they're not as fast if they have long fins). Cory cats have enough armor and sharp enough spines to discourage any tiger barb.

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