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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 21, 2004
Rapid City, SD
I'm heading home for the holidays. I'm going to be gone for 2 weeks and won't be here to maintain my tank. I have one of those auto feeders that dumps a little bit of food every 12 hours, so feeding is not a problem...

except for my Brown Knife fish, who I need to feed frozen. Because of this I'm taking him home. The only thing I have to keep him in at home is either a small fish bowl (my aclimating tank) or my current 10 gal with it's 6 Cherry Barbs. I'm somewhat hesitant to just throw him in the 10 gal, as I don't want my fish to become dinner. They are full grown, so they are fairly large, but there sitll isn't a lot of room in that tank for that fish combo. Filtration would be fine as I'm running a penguin 330 on it.

any thoughts? I actually contemplated buying a second 10 gal just for this purpose, but would rather just use what I have
Your fish can go 2 weeks w/o food. Feed well, the week before you go & leave him where he is.
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