Fish Habitat construction

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 20, 2005
Calgary AB Canada
I have a general question in regards to building your own structures and the type of Silicone or glue to use. I was wondering if anyone could offer advice on using Bathroom and tub silicone or a type of glue, to construct the habitats out of or for sticking rocks to things. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I am interested in using Plumbing tubing to build Habitats and have a friend that used actual Aqarium Silicone, However it tends to be more expensive than bath and tub silicone... Any thoughts...


if you go to a hardware store or even a walmart what you want to get is just plain silicone. Just make sure it's 100% silicone and is clear. The stuff that's for tubs and bathrooms probably has other things added that might not be safe for an aquarium.
[center:bcb7c3c827] :smilecolros: Welcome to AA, mrgolfball!! :n00b: [/center:bcb7c3c827]

Bath and tub silicone has additives to keep mold and fungus down. You cannot use that for aquarium use. 100% silicone is good. I bought aquarium silicone from a LFS and built rock structures. I only needed one tube and knowing it would be safe for my fish made all the difference.
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