Fish Id..Crossing my fingers on the pics working! =)

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hi everyone-

thanks fruitbat! i dont mind at all!

its so strange, because all those fish were labeled as the same thing in the shop - and all in the same tank. the swords didnt have their tails when i bought them, so i had no idea.

the yellow fish and black fish have had lots of babies - and he is constantly pestering her to breed more. im pretty sure they will have lots and lots of them - ive got 15 in a baby tank right now that look 1/2 yellow and 1/2 black.

i asked about the yellow one because i thought she was a gold molly - shes so velvety looking and almost translucent. ive never seen a sword that way before - and i saw a pic on someones site of a white molly that looked identical to me, and thats when i first thought she might be..

not possible, i take it? (im for sure no expert!!)

I just didnt realize mollies and swords could breed!

The corys i was thinking were duplicareus....but they look like adolfoi to me also!!

man, how do you tell all those types of cories apart???

anyway, thanks for all your help!!
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