fish inches per gallon

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 28, 2011
What's reccomended as far as inch of fish to how many gallons of water? Thanks drew
Pnut52 said:
What's reccomended as far as inch of fish to how many gallons of water? Thanks drew

I recommend forgeting that "theory." Fish stocking should be based upon
Adult size
Fish activity
Bio load
And about a billion other factors. Putting a 10" oscar in a 10gallon tank would never work. The theory does more harm than good 99% of the time
Well i dont think there is a very good rule for that. For example: 5 two inch common plecos would work in the "one inch per gallon" theory, but it wont work because common plecos get over a foot long
Well I'm going to be stocking a 180. But I want a preditor tank.
Ohh okay! Well my example was fresh water, but same applies to salt. What fish did you want to put in there? Fowler tanks are awesome
Well I have a small banded cat shark in my 125 right now but I'm about to mver him over to the 180. In the next couple months I was thinking of adding something else if I had enough room. I no he will get quite large when mature so not sure with room.
Oh well your banded cat will be okay in the 180 because thats the minimum size tank he should be in. I hope crister chimes in because i think he is also interested in banded cats
FWIW, I wouldn't do sharks in a new setup. I would also do some more research before choosing them. A 180 Gallon is the bare minimum for those kinds of sharks in most experienced salties (from what I have read, not actually done).
IM HERE!!!!! lol. You could get away with 300 for a banded. For coral cats, I would go for a tank 180. Bandeds get 3'+, and need to be able to orient themselves along the side of the tank. That means you would need a tank 8x3. Corals cats are more slender, so a 180 is ok for them. They get to a maximum size of 27", but a 180 could work. I would look into selling you banded and replacing it with a coral or marbled cat. I am talking about the atelomycterus mormoratus (coral cat) and atelomycterus macleayi. You shark (chiloscyllium punctatum) should have a tank of 300+ gallons. Good luck with your fish though! And remember, bigger is always better! Try to avoid puffers and triggers. The best tankmates are groupers and tangs.
Hey thanks for the info but my bad I just looked back at my post i put banded but have a coral I was reading something on banded when I was writing that. He is about 10 inches right now.
Also u said a tang would be a good tank mate. What kind of tang do I need to look for size wise? Do I need to stick with a smaller one when full grown due to the size that the shark will get? Thank u for any Info u can give.
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