Fish stock in 10 gal tank

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 23, 2013
Give me some stock ideas i can do for a 10 gal tank. I had tiger barbs but i ended up giving them away due to them needing a bigger tank. I will cycle my tank for a month and im juss wondering of some stock ideas. I want alot of fish.
For the bottom:
Pygmy or Dwarf Cories 6

Then for your mids there are lots of tiny schooling fish that would work and look really cool.
Check out chili rasboras, neon tetras. At least 6 to make a school.
Others around here will have more ideas.

Cherry shrimp would be interesting.
as for other schooling fish, look at rummy-nose tetras. they swim in really tight knit groups and look amazing with a dark substrate. plus they are really peaceful. also good are black neons, those mentioned in the post above, serape tetras, white clouds, platies, glowlight tetras, cardinal tetras (almost like neons)...there are a ton of small peaceful schooling tetras, barbs and livebearers. just don't stock too heavily, especially for a 10 gallon.
if you aren't looking for schooling fish or are looking for takmate for non-nippy fish look up bettas, or dwarf gourami.
also, if you are really into shrimp, ghost/glass shrimp are really interesting, and inexpensive. just watch tankmates for shrimp. they could be eaten.
as for other schooling fish, look at rummy-nose tetras. they swim in really tight knit groups and look amazing with a dark substrate. plus they are really peaceful. also good are black neons, those mentioned in the post above, serape tetras, white clouds, platies, glowlight tetras, cardinal tetras (almost like neons)...there are a ton of small peaceful schooling tetras, barbs and livebearers. just don't stock too heavily, especially for a 10 gallon.
if you aren't looking for schooling fish or are looking for takmate for non-nippy fish look up bettas, or dwarf gourami.

Rummynose and serpaes need at least a 20 gallon tank, even cardinals and WCMM are a bit of a stretch in a 10 gallon tank.

OP: Take a look at nano fish, like Threnjen listed.
Look at the Pencilfish also. Beckfords come to mind first. They will stop and hover in one spot for a while letting you get a good look at them instead of constantly moving. They also tend to stay at the mid to upper-mid level of the tank. They need to be in groups of 5 or more just like many other fish. OS.
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