fish wont come out

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 13, 2011
Hey guys,

If i posted this in the wrong place please move it to the right one but i dont know what category this goes under...

I just got some fish today (three balloon belly mollies). It is a new tank ( all set up, cycled, heated, etc.) got two live plants in there and some decor along with bubbles. I know i did everything right for adding the fish and plants. I didnt move anything after i put the fish in so the stress level would be minimal.
Okay now to get to the problem... They were swimming around fine after i put them in but then they all started to gather around the filter and they wont come out from there! when they do i go to look at them and they go right back. Why???
My brothers fish that we got today (Zebra Danios) and they are swimming around great! I dont know if its just the personality of mollies or what but i would love some advice!

Did you quarantine them? If not, how did their tank look in the store? Any evidence of ich or other fish deaths?
No none of them looked sick at the store. they all looked great. plus i dont have another tank set up yet for a hospital. I might get one up after i find the other tank thats in my garage. And homedog98, thats what i was thinking but i wasnt real sure and wanted some other opinions. :)
A QT tank is always good but I understand not being able to have one (I don't right now either). Be sure to watch them closely for any other signs of disease.
Ive had mollies awhile, but recently added some balloon to my community and I do find they took longer to warm up, and there more cautious than the other mollies. I dont know if its just mine, but they seem alot "sweeter" than my regular mollies...

I agree watch for illness, otherwise just give them some time to trust you and their new surroundings :)
Okay so since they arent sick it must just take time... so should i be down there watching them more or should i leave them alone more often? i would watch them to et them used to people watching them in the their new place and i would leave them alone so they could get used to their new place by themselves? yes i know that was terrible grammar. :p
Well they need to get used to you, I would go to the tank as much as you wanted, just move slow, dont make loud noises, keep it "calm" while your there :)
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