Fishless Cycling - Is this Ammonia okay?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 2, 2004
Maine, USA
I'm adding 16 drops of Ammonia per day into my 55 gallon tank to do a fishless cycle.

I just noticed that the Ammonia I'm using has three ingredients:

Softened Water, Ammonia, and a Chelating Agent.

I was a little concerned about the Chelating Agent, not knowing what it was. I did some preliminary research and found out it has something to do with chemical bonds and stuff.

I thought maybe it's something that's in all Ammonia you buy at the store but wasn't sure.

Is it something to be concerned with? Should I be looking for different Ammonia?

The cycle seems to be doing alright; lots of Nitrites and Nitrates are starting to be detected.
Im in the process or doing the same thing for my 30 gallon tank. The ammonia i use is the excact same ingreadants.

I have a question also my water was clear for the first 2 days now its getting cloudy. is this normal for a fishless cycle?

If you find any more info about the ammonia you used let me know please thanks

Totally normal for the cycling process. That's why we don't want to cycle with fish. Would you want to be swimming & breathing in bacteria soup? Jood gob choosing fishless cycling! :fadein:
Obviously you need bacteria in your tank for biological filtration, but it's no big deal, after a while it will go away, since the bacteria will have to compete for "food" and there's only a limited amount in the system.
ok thanks for the help. I learned my lession the first time before i knew anything and cycled my first tank with fish and they all didnt make it.
I found on another site that the agent helps keep the ammonia suspended in the softened water, and it's fine to use for cycling a tank. It was the only plain-english description for "Chelating Agent" I could find.

Thanks for all of the information.
I never got any bacteria bloom (which is normal btw) yet while I am doing fishless cycling. But I am seeing good nitrite spikes and now also some nitrates :)
BTW while I am cycling my PH has dropped from 7.2 to 6.2 , I understand that removal of ammonia will decrease the PH. So what is my normal PH 7.2 or 6.2? Which is ideal for bettas?
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