Fishless cycling readings so far

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Plus, don't you have plants in there? Those things GOBBLE UP the nutrients. I think we finally figured out the problem.
eco23 said:
The bacteria uses up the nutrients in the water. It's just something that happens. Doing a pwc will put them back in. Think of it like Miracle grow or plant fertilizer. Plants can grow with sun and water, but they need nutrients from the soil to grow and be healthy. It's the same as the bacteria in the water. If they don't have fertilizer, the cycle stalls. You're water naturally has the nutrients, but the cycle eats them up. Now there's no more and they need to be replaced.

Well put you clever sod your not just a pretty face are you let you know when i have done it by pm dude
eco23 said:
Awesome brother. I'm afraid of any future pictures you might send, lol.

Lol you should embrace them my friend with open arms lmao
How's your tank doing my friend is it still looking good
Yeah, looks great and seems to be going great. I've got a fish with something called pop-eye, I think it's just an isolated thing and he just ran into something and hurt his eye. I've got him in a quarantine tank (QT) and am giving him meds...hopefully the little guy pulls through.
eco23 said:
Yeah, looks great and seems to be going great. I've got a fish with something called pop-eye, I think it's just an isolated thing and he just ran into something and hurt his eye. I've got him in a quarantine tank (QT) and am giving him meds...hopefully the little guy pulls through.

Are mate lets hope so as we don't like to see our fish hurting or worse to die but he's in safe hands thats for sure dude you will sort the little fella out
Well, he's got his own little private penthouse no matter what happens. I even put my moss ball in there to keep him company, lol. I could return him since I just bought him 5 days ago, but I'm afraid the store would just flush the poor little guy. I'll try to treat him, and if he doesn't make it...I tried my best. I know they're just fish, but if I have a living animal I'm in charge of I'm gonna do my best to provide the best I can for them. I guess I'm just a big softy inside, lol.
eco23 said:
Well, he's got his own little private penthouse no matter what happens. I even put my moss ball in there to keep him company, lol. I could return him since I just bought him 5 days ago, but I'm afraid the store would just flush the poor little guy. I'll try to treat him, and if he doesn't make it...I tried my best. I know they're just fish, but if I have a living animal I'm in charge of I'm gonna do my best to provide the best I can for them. I guess I'm just a big softy inside, lol.

Well i wish you all the best with the little guy but in sure he will be fine
And i know what you mean about your lfs and what they would do it makes my sick how they don't care about the fish like we do on that note my ltd had a dead pleco in one of there tanks and my other half went and got one of the staff to show him guess what he left it in there and said he has not looked well for a day or two its sad mate as a fish lover you don't want to see that
I've been told about another lfs that the tanks are green water wise and glass i dread to think what the water quality is sorry for going on but it makes me sick even though about going for a job their to sort the tanks outs so your not the only softy on here dude its good to care for a living thing
What's up my British friend? How're the numbers looking since the pwc? I have a feeling we're on the right track...finally. Haha.
eco23 said:
What's up my British friend? How're the numbers looking since the pwc? I have a feeling we're on the right track...finally. Haha.

Hi ya doc

I wish my friend ammonia 4 ,nitrite 0.5 , nitrate 5

I carnt get the nitrite to spike at all how can this be im lost now four weeks now i think my head is pickled even put a bit more crushed fish food in this morning to see what that dose lol
Speak to you soon dude
Welshy said:
How you getting on mate??

Hay mate how the devil are you been a while im good mate cycle still not done yet and still talking to Eco about it strange things still happening as the saying goes so close but yet so far
cichlidpaul said:
Hay mate how the devil are you been a while im good mate cycle still not done yet and still talking to Eco about it strange things still happening as the saying goes so close but yet so far

Gutted mate, won't be long now though hopefully fingers crossed
Welshy said:
Gutted mate, won't be long now though hopefully fingers crossed

Well im sure not holding my breath mate its been 7 weeks now


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cichlidpaul said:
adding ammo every day lol that pic was before i added it

I tell you man, if it hadn't been a year and a day since you started...I'd think everything was going fine. If the numbers climb too high again don't be afraid to do another pwc. I'd dose it up to 2-3ppm every 24 hours and wait for it to drop. You're test kit isn't like 100 years old or anything, is it?
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