fishy dilemas

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 13, 2014
Hi everyone. I'm new to the forum and new to the hobby. I was hoping for some advice for my first decent sized tank. I've just bought a jewel rio 125l, I have done a lot of reading on cycling etc and the tank will be quite heavily planted, no fish will be going in the tank until more like october once it has cycled, my plants are established, and I know what fish I want for sure...this is my issue. I have fish ideas and really want all of them but I want the fish to be happy, this is what I would like,

6 panda corys
6 otos
6 neon/cardinal tetras
6 rummynose tetra
6 zebra danio
6 cherry barbs
2 amano shrimp

I know this is too many, so my question is, what fish out of these are best suited to each other, or not suited? Which ones will prefer a planted tank with plenty of wood and sand etc? In an ideal world I would have a bigger tank with 8 of each of these but my house size says no haha. I love all of them. The corys are the only one im definite about at this stage, they are awesome.

Any advice would be welcomed :)
You have a real dilemma as all of these fish will do well in a planted tank. The danios may be a little too active for company so I'd cross them off the list. I love Cherry Barbs and they will be fine with any of the tetras mentioned.

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