Flipping my tank?

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Erk!!! Fingers crossed.

I’ve seen a few stores here with fish in with plants that didn’t look great (fish I mean). Not saying all stores or anything. Enough to be careful I guess. Snails a bonus?
Yeah. Some snails are ok. But I just wounded about some of the plants i got. I haunt added any fish for awhile and always qt first. And I always rinse my plants before adding them. Doing a clean out today. Put fish back in the 75g last night. Everyone looked better. Added a low dose of salt to 75g about 4 days ago. So gotta get that all out today along with a good cleaning. The good part is I have no algae. Did some more reading on stem plants. I gotta them to stay in my substrate. Every water change they float out and I see the ends rotting, so I cut that part off. They are not getting the time they need to root when all this happens. I'm learning. Lol! Moved my light to the front of my tank and seen my red Rubin swords turn red. They've always been purple. I'll probably be taking a lot of my floating plants out, just so I have more light for now. I'll be upgrading my light in the future when I get a little better at this. But for now, main focus is on my fish right now. Worried. I got a lot of different plants from a lot of different sellers, hard to say what's going on. Could just be my own lack of maintenance on my can from last time. My own mistake either way.
Yeah. Some snails are ok. But I just wounded about some of the plants i got. I haunt added any fish for awhile and always qt first. And I always rinse my plants before adding them. Doing a clean out today. Put fish back in the 75g last night. Everyone looked better. Added a low dose of salt to 75g about 4 days ago. So gotta get that all out today along with a good cleaning. The good part is I have no algae. Did some more reading on stem plants. I gotta them to stay in my substrate. Every water change they float out and I see the ends rotting, so I cut that part off. They are not getting the time they need to root when all this happens. I'm learning. Lol! Moved my light to the front of my tank and seen my red Rubin swords turn red. They've always been purple. I'll probably be taking a lot of my floating plants out, just so I have more light for now. I'll be upgrading my light in the future when I get a little better at this. But for now, main focus is on my fish right now. Worried. I got a lot of different plants from a lot of different sellers, hard to say what's going on. Could just be my own lack of maintenance on my can from last time. My own mistake either way.

Is the salt going into the main tank with plants?

The rotting stems I read somewhere are the plant not happy, that bit rots out and the plant would float somewhere else. For me salt or phosphate buffers (perhaps causing iron / manganese phosphate issues) caused stem base to rot out. The phosphate readings were off scale - normal EI dosing never had an issue with.
Oh, I'm gonna start. That's for sure! I always rinsed them and soaked them. But, I know that's not enough. Thanks for a little more confident in it.
Ok, did a cleaning today. Cleaned canister, replaced pad. Clean up the plants and put them were I want them and spaced a little more(was very careful this time) I'm not moving them again til they start growing more. They all look good. Fish look better for now. Got rid of some snails too. And did a real good water change. Still dosing iron and excel. I rehomed my neon tetras, worried about the disease they carry and don't want them dying in my main tank. They've always had the white areas and fins that looked like crap so, out they went as I read up more and more on that. It's not cool, when other fish can get it, and my angels are on the list that the disease is catchy for them. But, anyways everything looks good for now.
Swapped my lights out got the old tub lights back on this 75g. Think it's too much light for my 55g. Plants do really good with either light on the 75g. But, my old light is killing a lot of my swords in the 55g. I've tried dosing a few different things. Nothing is helping. So I'm trying the newer strip light out for a while on the 55g. I've been dosing iron everyday. And excel morning and night. Gonna up the dose of excel after this next week's water change to 3 doses a day. Dosing almost a cap and a half. Enough for about 65-70g I'd say. I stay under dose cause I don't wanta over dose and kill my fish. But it's been working good. Just trying to keep things steady and give everything time. Plants are looking gorgeous! All my red is popping like they should. And everything is growing more little by little. Planted some red Rotala butterfly in my substrate last time I moved a few plants around and that's taking off a lot better. New growth already. Things are picking back up. What a lesson learned with everything this last month or so. I'm figuring everything out though. So that's a plus!
Ok, along over do update. Here goes. Everything is amazingly gorgeous. I have a little question on something. I did a 60-70% water change yesterday and dosed my excel is the bottle said full dose this time and full dose of potassium. I've had my old dinosaur light on this tank as of last time I posted. Anyways I have red Rubin swords and they've always been a type of red until today. They are purple. And I also put a root tab by them a few days ago. I bought them titled as red Rubin. Are they? Or are they the purple knight? They are pretty dark purple.
Ok, along over do update. Here goes. Everything is amazingly gorgeous. I have a little question on something. I did a 60-70% water change yesterday and dosed my excel is the bottle said full dose this time and full dose of potassium. I've had my old dinosaur light on this tank as of last time I posted. Anyways I have red Rubin swords and they've always been a type of red until today. They are purple. And I also put a root tab by them a few days ago. I bought them titled as red Rubin. Are they? Or are they the purple knight? They are pretty dark purple.

There likely isn't much difference between the red and purple. Plants will change color with changing conditions, so with the large water change + root tab + excel + potassium it likely is just loving life, going a deep red - purple color.

My vote is its a red rubin. My red melons will go purple from time to time under different conditions.
I thought so. It just seemed weird seeing them so dark. Thank You! Still figuring things out. Think I'm getting it. Lol! I hope!
Wow that's beautiful. How are the girls?
Girls are doing good. Viper got her tail back. Added a few Molly's. And adopted 2 more girls and another baby. You'd love her. Look hard, she's little. Lol! She's in a little 3g for now.


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Seachem Flourish root tabs. ( they last longer and worth the money) 50-60% water changes weekly. When I do my water change I add prime,excel and iron. Then through out the week I dose potassium one day and next day iron all week. Every 3 weeks I clean out my canister replace my polishing pad. My light stays on for 6-7 hours a day give or take some days. Love my eco complete too. This is what I found that works for my tank set up. I still vacuum the bottom every water change.
Seachem Flourish root tabs. ( they last longer and worth the money) 50-60% water changes weekly. When I do my water change I add prime,excel and iron. Then through out the week I dose potassium one day and next day iron all week. Every 3 weeks I clean out my canister replace my polishing pad. My light stays on for 6-7 hours a day give or take some days. Love my eco complete too. This is what I found that works for my tank set up. I still vacuum the bottom every water change.
It all depends on the type of plants and the set up too. Gotta find the sweet spot! Lol!
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