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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 14, 2005
No, not like the fish (at least I hope). I am looking for any suggestions on a plant that I can use in my 15 gal. apisto tank. I need something that will provide a little shelter from the light (currently a compact with 2x13 bulbs) but not take up so much of the light that my other plants can not survive.
hornwort = baaad! lol i'm having a terrible time with mine losing their "piney needles" its all through my one tank.

May I suggest anacharis?? great floating plant that looks neat and really sucks up the nitrates. Its really a hardy plant btw.
stewie said:
hornwort = baaad! lol i'm having a terrible time with mine losing their "piney needles" its all through my one tank.

The only trouble I have with mine is it won't stop growing. Never had a problem with needles falling off and I do nothing special for it.
hornwort, java moss...even anachris. anachris will be the least messy and can be a floating plant. java moss might get too dense and block light...but it might be just the ticket too.

riccia can float, but it gets really messy, so I'd avoid it.

Phylanthus fluitans strictly for blocking light
Salvinia same as above

Pistia same as above


Watersprite is a great floater

Najas/anachararis good floater
Floating plants

Is your eco-complete always 14.99? Or is that a special?

Oh, yah. I'm all for riccia. First tie it to a rock and drop it to the bottom. Once it gets thick, bushy, and interlaced enough, you can release it and the current on the surface of your water should keep it in one particular area, usually the back part of the tank.
Usually it is that. unless i am running really low or have a big sale.
I have a ton right now though just got a shipment a little over a week ago

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