Floating Plants

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 20, 2010
Any suggestions on putting floating plants in a 44g tall? I have some java fern, Cabomba, sword plants and java moss in there. My fish are 2 angels, 4 diamond tetras, 3 lemon tetras, 3 columbian tetras and 2 SAE. I would like to get 6 neon tetras and then I'll be done stocking...any thoughts??
Will silver dollars eat both those plants? I'm thinking it's a bad idea to put in my 44 because it will block the light for my other plants. But I have a 55 with 3 silver dollars...I heard they'll eat anything, I have fake plants in substrate but some live floating plants would look cool!
My SDs don't eat plants at all, so I can't really say for sure. My SDs also don't come to the surface much... Floating may be your best option is yours do eat plants.
I've never had live plants with them myself. I know the previous owner did with my big guy and he ate them like candy...lol...but I think I'd be safe with floating. All I can do is try :). Thanks for your input!!!
I have amazon frogbit it grows quick fish love it and the fish love the roots only started with two small plants from china now I give it to friends and local fish shop.. Every two to three weeks, I would not have anything else as the lilly type leaves are not to big and can be trimmed easily grows under t5 lighting and even my panchax love it:)
Avoid duckweed at ALL costs first of all. lol

I like frogbit, dwarf water lettuce, riccia, watersprite etc. Depends on the look that you like.
Thanks all :D. I love the look of the water lettuce, hopefully I can find some!!
Frogbit is the way to go grows quick love it in my 125 duckweed is a awful will take over ur tank in weeks and is almost impossible to get rid of it is evil

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