Floating Plants

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 12, 2013
I am interested in adding some floating plants to my aquarium but was just wondering do floating plants have roots and if so do they then need special substrate or do they float without having to be rooted?

I currently have fake plants and gravel substrate so I'd prefer ones that don't have to be rooted (if that's possible!)

Secondly do floating plants only float on the top? I have a hood on my aquarium so if they do just float on top I guess they wouldn't suit. Are floating plants only suited to open aquaria is really what I'm getting at.

I'd appreciate any advice and sorry if they are really "noob" questions!
Floating plants do not require substrate.

A hood should not prevent you from keeping them. Most lay pretty low at the surface. Sometimes the limiting factor is the amount of light. But since they are at the surface, they stand to get the most out of the light source. They do help with keeping nitrate levels down, provide shelter, and can reduce the light getting to portions of the tank (can be a good thing if shading is needed).

Attached is a photo of water lettuce and Salvinia getting out of hand in an open tank. I thin it down to a small portion and with a few weeks it fills the surface. This is an open top setup; they should do fine with a closed top.

Also, some floating plants do not like a lot of surface movement.
As fresh2o said they don't need substrate. There are different types of floating plants. Some stay strictly at the surface while others like anachris or water wisteria are kind of "vine-ish". You don't have to leave the tank open top. One thing to consider, if you get too much floating the light can be blocked for the root plants.
Ok great stuff-at the moment I just have gravel and artificial plants on the bottom. Would I need to add co2 for floating plants?
Ok great stuff-at the moment I just have gravel and artificial plants on the bottom. Would I need to add co2 for floating plants?

Adding CO2 would not be necessary in most instance. Many floating plants are rapid growing even in low light conditions and with minimal care. As for the floating plants that have leaves that break the surface, they get their CO2 from the air.
Adding CO2 would not be necessary in most instance. Many floating plants are rapid growing even in low light conditions and with minimal care. As for the floating plants that have leaves that break the surface, they get their CO2 from the air.

Ah I see, that makes sense. Thanks for the advice! Sounds like I may try those first then if I get brave I might look at planting the substrate.
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