Florida Flagfish Aggression

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 4, 2004
Tomorrow I am picking up either SAE or Florida Flagfish. The lfs called and they have both in stock. I was doing a little research into the FFF and I read that they are fin nippers towards fish with flowing fins. Are my Angels and HiFin Serpae Tetras in trouble here?
Florida flagfish can be quite aggressive. I would not keep them with fish that are slow moving or have flowing fins.
The Angels and Tetras are neither one slow moving, but they have the long fins. Do you see that as a problem?
Sorry but yes. To me angels are quite slow moving.
I really hope that the SAE's are true SAEs then. I HAVE to get rid of this brush algae.
Yuck. Been there. Rosy barbs will eat it but can be just as nasty. Japonica shrimp will also do the job.

I have a thread somewhere in the planted tank forum on dealing with it. Ultimately I used the bleach method.
I've tried Rosy Barbs before (not for algae, but as a tank mate). They are nice looking fish, but very nippy. They were ripping apart my Angels fins.
A lot depends upon your set up. I have around 10 American Flag Fish currently and have found yes overall they can be aggresive and nippy but a lot depends on the set up. In well planted tanks with good ratios of M to F flagfish aggression is minimal (romance trumps, lol). I usually try 3 females for every one male. I have American Flag fish with my endlers not much of problem (a few fry get eaten). They also are kept with my peacock gudgeons with no problems. I have a blue/green monty tank and they have nice long swords and I don't have problems with them nipping either. In my community tank they are in with assorted tetras, banded gouramis, cories, BN, GBR's, and only problems I have had were with the male flagfish and male GBR's at first. I believe this was do to temperment on both sides and coloration. I would be hesitant with the angels depending upon the angels temperment and size.
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