Food for thought

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 14, 2005
Glasgow, city of dreamz. (Scotland).
My angel keeps eating the catfish pellets. He actually waits till the catfish has something and then musclees him out of the way. This is all very fun to watch but is there any way to prevent this so all the fish get fed more equally???
Do you feed the angels at the same time as the catfish? I'd suggest feeding the angels on one side of the tank and tossing in the catfish pellets on the other side of the tank at the same time and see what happens.
I have a community tank which includes 9 plecos...8 bristlenose babies and a 6" sailfin pleco. I have found it is better to toss the cat's pellets an hour after lights out. Though the other fish may sense the pellets with their lateral line...once they miss it floating down and it hits bottom, they usually won't bother and your pleco can munch to his hearts content.
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