Found a free tank

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 2, 2005
Tonight surfing on found a 10 gal for free with 2 ''sucker fish'' heater, etc. It's only about 15 miles from me. How safe is it to transport tanks with fish and water. Should I empty out half of the water before I move it? My fiance' wasn't thrilled when I told her, but I think she'll get over it :lol:
A free tank :p

10 gallons are small. I think you could probably get away with emptying out 2/3 of the water and then carry it very carefully to the sure to support the bottem. (Someone scream if this is horrible advice 8O ) I never actually moved a tank with fish in it.....but if I were in your situation and I was dealing with a 10 gallon I'd do it. :wink: The sucker fish are small, right???
You better off taking out 5 gallons and put it in a clean bucket, together with the 2 suckerfish (probably plecos). Throw away the rest of the water and move the tank empty. When you get home, rinse the tank with hot water (no soap offcourse), set it up where you want it, take the heater, filter, etc. fill the tank halfway (5 gals), add the bucket of water with the plecos, start the heater and filter, and you're good to go.
The fish should be fine being moved for 15miles (1hour in total? moving and setting up?) in the bucket.
I just recently moved myself and one of my tanks is a 10 gal. I did what talloulou suggested without any problems. I just emptied about 2/3 of the water and carried the whole thing with the fish still in it. I had someone help me to keep the water from sloshing around too bad and all was well. If you are doing the move by yourself, then I would go w/ Thomas's advice.
Good find EMTony!! Though, you'd probably be fine just emptying half the water, I would empty all the water except enough to keep the gravel wet and transport the fish in a separate container. Good luck with it. Post some pics. I would like to know what the sucker fish are. SAE? Plecos? :D
i would do the same as fluff, and wouldnt rinsing it out with hot water kill the bacteria on the tank walls and gravel?
Thanks for the advice eceryone!!!! I may not even keep the tank running. I haven't decided yet, may take the fish out and oput them into one onf my other 2 tanks. I'll keep the 10 gal in storage just in case, as well as all of the accessories.
while you could move the tank with water in it your best bet is to empty the whole thin and transport the fish in the aquarium water. it should be ok to leave the gravel, but the water can easily break your seals if the car ride (or walk) gets a little hectic.
talloulou said:
A 10 gallon would make a good QT tank.

I have to agree with this statement if not for nothing more than it is a good idea.

I live by the "better safe than sorry" rule or, as my mom used to say: "Do it right...sleep tonight". More accidents are caused by taking shortcuts than anything else. Since this involves driving...empty the tank and transport everything securely wrapped. Save as much tank water as you want...even all of it if you can get two 5 gal buckets. You won't be sorry.
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