FOWLR Stocking Options for 36- Gallon Bow Front

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 14, 2014
Kissimmee, FL
I'm hoping to get some input here! If you have seen my first thread, I have a 36- gallon bow front aquarium. God willing, it will start cycling for next weekend. :turn-l:

Since I am so close to buying the live rock and live sand, and since the goal is to eventually turn it into a minimalistic reef, I would like input on ideas for stocking it. It is my very first aquarium so I have been doing lots of research, both online and at a couple of local saltwater marine stores.

I just came up with this list over the weekend. Of course I'm not getting all of them! Please tell me what to stay away from, what I can double up on, and who won't be nice in this seemingly eclectic community I am creating:

Blue Tuxedo Urchin
Bumble Bee Snail
Tiger Cowrie
Pincushion Urchin
Sand Sifting Sea Star
Super Tongan Nassarius Snail

Black and White Oscellaris Clownfish
Black Ice Oscellaris Clownfish
Midnight Oscellaris Clownfish
Oscellaris Clownfish
Red Saddle Clownfish
Bicolor Blenny
Sailfin/ Algae Blenny
Citrinis Clown Goby
Flame Hawkfish
Neon Blue Goby
Pink Spotted Watchman
Six Line Wrasse

(I'm aiming for low to medium light requirements as well as peaceful guys!)
Mushroom corals such as Red Actinodiscus and Blue Actinodiscus
Clauvularia Star Polyp
Lavender Mushroom
Hexagon Brain Coral
Parascolymia (Green Button Coral)

I want the corals to be minimalistic; I want a stronger rock presence. However, I want to keep all of my fishies happy with the presence of a few of them. Any input on what I'm planning on doing with the corals and the tank in general will be appreciated.

God bless! :fish2::fish2::fish2:

i know this is the list of what you would like but it would be near impossible to have every thing
this is my semi fowlr idea
remember i like color
i copy n pasted your list things highlighted in red is what i would do blue is what i added

Blue Tuxedo Urchin 1
Bumble Bee Snail 10
nerite snail 10
Tiger Cowrie 1
Pincushion Urchin
serpent sea star / brittle star 1
Sand Sifting Sea Star-----your tank is to small and would starve
Super Tongan Nassarius Snail 15
red scarlet hermits 10
skunk cleaner shrimp 2

Black and White Oscellaris Clownfish 2
Black Ice Oscellaris Clownfish
Midnight Oscellaris Clownfish
Oscellaris Clownfish
Red Saddle Clownfish
Bicolor Blenny 1
Sailfin/ Algae Blenny
Citrinis Clown Goby not very hardy fish
Firefish 1
Flame Hawkfish
Neon Blue Goby
Pink Spotted Watchman
Six Line Wrasse
flasher wrasse 1

i tried to suggest what would add the most life and compatible with one another

all these mushrooms would be fine
Mushroom corals such as Red Actinodiscus and Blue Actinodiscus
Clauvularia Star Polyp
Lavender Mushroom
Hexagon Brain Coral ??? i would be concerned it wouldnt get enough light
Parascolymia (Green Button Coral)
same as above
assorted zoa's/palys
feather dusters
you did a good job finding suitable fish for your tank
just remember to go slow and dont slam the tank full as soon as you cycle
that is the biggest mistake everyone makes ,
work it over a 3/4 month period things will take better not causing issues
Thanks for the advice! :)

I have been doing research for a while so I started writing a list of those guys whom I thought would be both suitable to have for my tank size and good with other fishies in the community I am trying to create. I'm glad I wasn't that far off with my list!

Also- I can hardly wait to get the cycling going! At this point, it may start at the end of next week. I will post pics of the whole process. I truly appreciate all of the advice I get because I am aiming for success!!!

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