Free 55 gallon- questions!

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severum mama

Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 11, 2004
Hey everyone, I was at work today and got a free 55 gallon!!! 8) At this point it leaks, but I know where the leak is and I think it's worth re-sealing, as it is a custom tank from (leak is due to the tank sitting on an uneven stand). My plan as of now is to merge my 20 gal and 29 gal community tanks. When it's all said and done, the stock list would be:
4 glowlight tetras
7 gold pristella tetras
4 rummynose tetras
3 green fire tetras
1 bristlenose pleco
1 clown pleco
1 farlowella acus
2 apistogramma steindachneri
2 Bolivian rams

I want to plant the tank and possibly add a couple of angels, or preferably, a few discus. There's one left at the store I work at that I've really got my eye on (not the most beautiful, but he has tons of personality), and we're supposed to get some more this week. I'm not going to rush this, but due to the price of discus we don't seem to sell them very fast so I'm sure I'll have my pick. My first question is: can I even keep discus in a 55 gallon? I realize that at that point the tank would be overstocked, but I am willing to move fish to make room for a few discus, maybe 3 or 4. Would that be possible, or is a 75 gallon a minimum for discus? Is it better to keep discus in odd or even numbers?

Now for the other question:
I know where this tank leaks. It leaks from the bottom right-hand seal, so I'm wondering if I need to strip the seals from the entire bottom of the tank, or just from the side where the leak is located? Or, do I need to just go ahead and strip every seal in the tank, as new silicone does not adhere to old silicone? Any personal experience here would be much appreciated. :D
I would suggest completely stripping all the seals and re-sealing the entire aquarium. That is my opinion and what I would do.

Also, in my opinion, the discus are similar (note I said similar, not the same) in shame and maximum size as angel fish. I keep angels in a 30 gallon fish tank and in a 55 gallon fish tank.

So, I believe I may be against the consensus, but I would say 3-4 discus in a 55 gallon would be fine if you pare down your stock otherwise.

What I would do given your current situation is stock the 55 with the clown plecostomus, the gold tetras, the fire tetras and the discus.
congrats on the new tank.
discus would do fine in a 55g. allow 10g per discus, around 5-6. they'd feel safer in numbers. i don't know about keeping them in even-odd numbers (no personal experience, but would try in near future). are these adult discus that you'd be getting?
never resealed a tank before. wishing you the best.
Thanks guys. I've resealed a tank before, but for someone else. AFAIK, it is still holding water just fine 18 months later (it was a tank for my work), so I am confident in my ability, LOL! I know discus feel safer in numbers, which is why I'm trying to get a feel for what size of a group (if any) I could keep in a 55. I don't want to rehome a ton of my fish, but am willing to rehome some, which is why I inquired about a group of 3-4 discus. If our resident discus keepers think I need a 75+ for a group, then I will go for the angel I also have my eye on at our store. Either way I will end up with a beautiful community!
if you dont want to rehome a bunch of fish, just get a couple, centerpeice fish.

BGKs, african butterfly fish, glass cats, ropefish...

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