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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 25, 2012
my momma just unloaded 10-20 fry i put her in the tank when she was done, then my largest fry ate a whole bunch and now im left with 7, i removed the largest fry and put her in a net. i addd plants in the breeders box, but 4 more were eaten. anybody know a DIY fry holder i can do right now? i cant go to the store, and i have a 2l and alot of other stuff, please help!!!
Gallon jug cut in half with TINY holes poked through....then use a clothes pin or something to clip it to the edge of your tank.
first upload pics :brows: then find a large container/gallon jug and do exactly what is said by Jill. what type of fry? if the parents will continue breeding you should set up a nursery tank or more ( i have a minimum of 5 running at all times just for my guppies and they are always occupied :) )
lol i will put a pic up in a minute, they are guppy fry that were just born, 2 black mollie fry twice the new frys size one platy fry twice the size of the molie fry and a veryy large marble moly fry. and i am actualy lookign up how to make a sponge filter, to set up my 10 g as a mystery snail breeding tank and fry growout tank
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